Page 108 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
P. 108

Equity loan

             Equity convertible loans include the interest-free capital loans with no maturity that the owners have granted to the
             Group. Equity convertible loans have no due date, but the Group has the right (not an obligation) to redeem the loan if
             so desired.


             In 2017, dividends were distributed at EUR 0.30 per share, totalling TEUR 4,985.9 (in 2016, EUR 0.27 per share, totalling
             TEUR 4,356.8). After the end of the reporting period, the Board of Directors has proposed a dividend of EUR 0.33 per
             share, totalling TEUR 5,484.5 be distributed. The debt from the dividend proposed has not been entered into these
             financial statements.


             Deferred taxes have been recorded for all temporary differences. The changes in deferred taxes during 2017 are as follows:

                                                                          Entered in other
                                                                 Entered in   items of compre-  Business
                                                                   income   hensive income   operations
              EUR thousand                             01/01/2017  statement  statement  bought/sold  31/12/2017
              Deferred tax assets:
              Temporary differences
                  From confirmed losses                   465.4      21.4                              486.8
                  From consolidated eliminations          174.3     118.6                              292.9
                  From launch marketing expenses           37.5      28.1                               65.6
                  From intangible rights                  462.4     165.2                              627.6
                  From finance lease liabilities           0.9       0.7                                 1.6
                  Other items                              70.8      12.0                               82.8
                  Netting from deferred tax liabilities  -1,069.0                                     -962.2
              Deferred tax assets, total                  142.1     346.0         0.0        0.0       595.0

                                                                          Entered in other
                                                                 Entered in   items of compre-  Business
                                                                   income   hensive income   operations
              EUR thousand                             01/01/2017  statement  statement  bought/sold  31/12/2017
              Deferred tax liabilities:
              Temporary differences
                  Amortisation of loan expenses using the effective  3,8  4,8                            8,6
                  interest method
                  From reversal of goodwill depreciation  725,0     231,5                              956,5
                  From intangible rights                  783,1    -449,4                  1,294,4    1,628,1
                  From combination of business operations  115,5     0,6                                116,1
                  Financial leasing                         7,1      -2,0                                5,1
                  Other items                             137,3      38,9                              176,2
                  Adjustment                                        -26,5
                  Netting from deferred tax assets      -1,069,0                                      -962,2
              Deferred tax liabilities, total             703,0    -202,1         0,0      1,294,4    1,928,5

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