Page 107 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
P. 107
Restamax Plc has one series of shares where all shares are equally entitled to dividends. One share equals one vote at
the general meeting. Restamax Plc has 16,619,620 shares. A share has no nominal value.
Invested Equity Share of
Shares, Share unrestricted Fair value convertible Own Retained minority Equity,
EUR thousand 1,000 pcs capital equity fund fund loan shares earnings shareholders total
01/01/2016 16,380.0 150.0 33,937.3 -13.3 220.0 -972.6 6,293.1 428.9 40,043.4
31/12/2016 16,620.0 150.0 36,586.1 -13.3 220.0 -191.4 6,541.4 669.0 43,961.8
01/01/2017 16,620.0 150.0 36,586.1 -13.3 220.0 -191.4 6,541.4 669.0 43,961.8
31/12/2017 16,619.6 150.0 40,510.2 -4.5 220.0 -191.4 4,237.5 1,971.2 46,892.9
All of the issued shares have been paid for.
Outstanding shares
pcs 2017 2016
1/1 16,576,120 16,136,120
Own shares acquired - -
Share issue - 440,000
31/12 16,576,120
Invested unrestricted equity fund
The invested unrestricted equity fund includes other equity convertible investments and the portion of the share
subscription price that is not recorded in the share capital according to a specific decision.
EUR thousand 2017 2016
1/1 36,586.1 33,937.3
Share issue 3,924.0 2,648.8
31/12 40,510.1 36,586.1
Fair value fund
The value changes of the available-for-sale financial assets from the moment of acquisition are recorded in the fair
value fund, deducted by deferred taxes.
EUR thousand 2017 2016
Fair value fund -4.5 -13.3
Own shares
Own shares include the acquisition cost of own shares in possession of the Group. Smile Huippu Oy, a company under
the control of the Group, owns the own shares presented as deducted in the Group’s equity.
2017 2017 2016 2016
pcs TEUR pcs TEUR
1/1 43,500 -191.4 243,500 -972.6
Nullification of own shares - - 200,000 781.2
31/12 43,500 -191.4 43,500 -191.4