Page 99 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
P. 99


             The Group has two reported operating segments, which are its strategic business units.

             The Group’s reported operating segments are as follows:
              Restaurants                                             Production of restaurant services
              Labour hire                                             Production of labour hire services

             The restaurants segment operates in all sectors of the restaurant business, offering different types of restaurant expe-
             riences to customers’ needs; the segment operates on the principle of “from the morning until late at night”, offering
             both restaurants and nightclubs. The segment has a total of 70 concepts, approximately half of which are designed
             for duplication. Well-known restaurant concepts of the Group include Viihdemaailma Ilona, Classic American Diner,
             Daddy’s Diner, Stefan’s Steakhouse, Galaxie Center and Space Bowling & Billiards.

             The labour hire segment offers labour hire services to companies operating in several different fields. The majority
             of the turnover of the segment is generated from the HoReCa and construction fields. The earnings from the
             segment are derived from labour hire activities.
              Net income                            Restaurants      Labour hire  Eliminations       Group
              Turnover                                 122,173.5        75,612.2      -11,929.5     185,856.2
              Other operating income                    2,188.3           231.7        -610.3        1,809.7
              EBITDA                                   16,325.0          6,602.6       -523.5       22,404.2
              Depreciations                            -9,405.3         -2,768.7        536.5       -11,637.4
              Operating profit                          6,919.7          3,834.0         13.0       10,766.7
              Profit/loss before taxes                  6,344.1          1,680.6          0.0        8,024.8
             In 1 January–31 December 2017, the labour hire segment includes as a cost non-recurring asset transfer tax in the total
             amount of EUR 299,569.34 resulting from the subsidiary transactions concluded.

             In the financial period 1 January-31 December 2017,  the financial costs of the Labour hire segment included the non-
             recurring item of the adjustment of TEUR 1,711.1 to the estimated additional sales price related to the share acquisition
             of Smile Job Service One Oy (now Smile Job Services Oy).

              Assets                                                       2017
              Assets of the reported segment          101,037.8         44,728.5     -12,705.8      133,060.5

              Liabilities of the reported segment      60,025.0         39,353.2      -13,210.5     86,167.6

              Net income                           Restaurants       Labour hire  Eliminations       Group
              Turnover                                107,544.2         34,129.4      -11,601.7     130,071.9
              Other operating income                    3,036.2            69.2        -571.5        2,533.9
              EBITDA                                   16,475.1          3,441.5       -517.8       19,398.8
              Depreciations                            -9,074.1         -1,844.6        517.8      -10,400.9
              Operating profit                          7,401.0          1,596.9         0.0         8,997.9
              Profit/loss before taxes                 6,547.2           1,358.4        -11.7        7,893.9
             Henkilöstövuokraussegmentissä  tehtiin  1.1.-31.12.2016  ylimääräinen  liikevoittoa  rasittava  kertaluontoinen  poisto
             338.416,67  euroa  seurauksena  aiemmin  2014  henkilöstöpalveluiden  hankinnan  yhteydessä  arvostettuihin  aineet-
             tomiin hyödykkeisiin, jotka nyt konsernin ostaman Namun hankinnasta johtuen ovat konsernin sisäisiä.

              Assets                                                       2016
              Assets of the reported segment           91,114.9         18,244.6     -11,693.4      97,666.0

              Liabilities of the reported segment     48,649.0          18,456.2     -13,401.0      53,704.2

                                                                            CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS     99
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104