Page 85 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
P. 85

generating  unit,  discounted  to  their  present  value.  The   price method. Acquisition cost includes the immediate
             discount rate is the rate before tax that presents the   expenses for the purchase, with value added tax deducted.
             market’s view of the value of money over time, and the   The net realisable value is the estimated selling price that
             special risks related to the asset item or cash-flow gener-  can be achieved during ordinary course of business less
             ating unit.                                       the costs to sell.

             An impairment loss is recorded when the book value of   Inventories  include  ingredients  for  restaurant  food  as
             an asset item is lower than its recoverable amount. The   well as alcohol and tobacco products.
             impairment loss is immediately recorded in the income
             statement.  The  impairment  loss  of  a  cash-flow  gener-  Pension obligations
             ating  unit  is  primarily  allocated  to  reduce  the  goodwill
             of the cash-flow generating unit, and secondly it is used   Pension  obligations  are  defined  as  benefit-based  or
             to impair the unit’s other asset items on a pro rata basis.   defined  contribution  plans.  The  Group’s  pension  plans
             The useful life of a depreciable asset item is reassessed   in Finland, as required by legislation, have been classi-
             when an impairment loss is recorded. An impairment loss   fied as defined contribution plans. In a defined contribu-
             recorded for an asset item is reversed whenever a change   tion plan, the Group pays fixed fees for a pension plan to
             occurs in the estimates that have been used to determine   a  pension  insurance  company.  The  Group  is  not  legally
             the recoverable amount of the asset item.         or constructively obligated to make additional payments
                                                               if the recipient of the payments does not have sufficient
             However, impairment loss is only reversed up to the book   funds  to  pay  the  pension  benefits  that  the  employees
             value  of  the  commodity  without  any  impairment  loss.   have earned for the current period or periods preceding
             Impairment loss for goodwill is not reversed under any   it.  In  a  defined  contribution  plan,  the  payments  made
             circumstances.                                    are recorded into the income statement for the financial
                                                               period that the charge applies to.
             Lease agreements
                                                               Income recognition principles
             The Group as a lessee
                                                               Sale of goods
             Lease  agreements  concerning  property,  plant  and
             equipment where the Group has a material part of the   The Group’s turnover is mostly generated from the sale of
             risks and benefits of ownership are classified as finance   drinks, food and cigarettes within its restaurant business.
             lease agreements. Asset items acquired by means of such
             an agreement are recorded on the balance sheet at the   The amount of profit recorded at the time of sale consists
             commencement of the lease term at the fair value of the   of the  fair  value  of  the  compensation  that  is  or  will  be
             commodity, or at the present value of the minimum lease   received for the sold item, less  any value added tax as
             payments,  whichever  is  lower.  Commodities  acquired   well as volume discounts and other discounts. Most of the
             using  finance  lease  agreements  are  depreciated  over   Group’s income is generated from retail sales, where the
             the useful life of the commodity, or, whenever there is   payment instruments are cash and credit cards.
             no certainty that ownership rights will be transferred to
             the lessee after the lease term, over a lease term that is   Sale of services
             shorter than the useful life. The lease payments paid are
             divided between finance charges and repayment of debt   Sale  of  services  is  recorded  as  income  for  the  financial
             over the lease term, so that the remaining debt for each   period during which the service is performed and during
             period will have the same interest rate. The lease liabili-  which the financial benefits from the service will probably
             ties are included in financial liabilities.       be received. The sale  of  services  is  also included in the
                                                               Group’s turnover.
             Lease agreements where the lessor is responsible for the
             risks  and  benefits  of  ownership  are  processed  as  other   The Group’s service sales income is formed by the sales
             lease agreements. Lease payments on the basis of other   of  labour  hire  operations,  advertising  space,  marketing
             lease agreements are recorded in the income statement   space or other similar space, as well as tickets.
             as annuities over the lease term.
                                                               Rental income
             The Group as a lessor
                                                               Rental income is recorded as annuities over the lease period.
             Commodities leased out with agreements other than
             finance lease agreements are included in the property,   Interest and dividends
             plant  and  equipment  on  the  balance  sheet.  They  are
             depreciated over their useful life, similarly to property,   Interest  income  is  recorded  using  the  effective  interest
             plant  and  equipment  used  by  the  Group  for  similar   method,  and  dividend  yield  is  recorded  for  the  period
             purposes. Lease income is recorded into the income   during which the right to the dividend has been generated.
             statement as annuities over the lease term.
                                                               Non-current asset items classified as held for
             Inventories                                       sale and discontinued operation
             Inventories are measured according to their acquisition   Non-current  asset  items  (or  disposal  groups)  and  assets
             cost  or  their  net  realisable  value,  whichever  is  lower.   and liabilities related to discontinued operation are classi-
             Acquisition  cost  is  defined  using  a  weighted  average   fied as held for sale if the amount corresponding to their

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