Page 88 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
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eration received for the issue. If the company buys back its   is  examining  the  clarifications  in  connection  with  the
             equity instruments, the acquisition cost of the instruments   introduction of the IFRS 15 standard.
             is deducted from equity.
                                                               ·    On  1  January  2018,  Restamax  will  adopt  the  IFRS
             Dividend distribution                             9  Financial  Instruments  standard.  IFRS  9  Financial
                                                               Instruments  and  the  amendments  thereto  replace  the
             Liability  for  dividend  distribution  to  the  Group’s  share-  current  IAS  39  standard.  The  new  standard  includes
             holders is recorded for the period during which the general   renewed guidelines  for the recognition  and measure-
             meeting approved the distribution of dividends.   ment  of  financial  instruments.  This  also  covers  the
                                                               new accounting process model concerning expected
             New and revised standards and interpreta-         credit  losses,  to  be  applied  to  determine  the  impair-
             tions to be applied later                         ment recorded for financial assets. The most significant
                                                               impact of the adoption of IFRS 9 is caused by the new
             IASB  has  published  the  following  new  and  revised   credit loss model. The new model is based on expected
             standards that the Group has not yet applied. The Group   credit  losses,  whereas  the  current  model  is  based  on
             will  be  applying  them  starting  from  the  effective  date   realised credit losses. This results in the growth of the
             of  each  standard  or  interpretation,  or,  whenever  the   credit  loss provision  upon  the implementation  of the
             effective date is not the first day of the financial period,   new guidelines. IFRS 9 contains a procedure, simplified
             starting from the financial period following the effective   from  the  general  credit  loss  model,  for  trade  receiva-
             date.  (*  The  amendments  have  not  yet  been  approved   bles, and for asset items which are based on customer
             for application within the EU.)                   contracts. According to this, the credit loss provision is
                                                               recorded over the period of validity of the entire asset
             ·    IFRS  15  Revenue  from  Contracts  with  Customers   item to the amount of the expected credit losses, when
             (effective in the EU for financial periods beginning on   the financial asset is recorded on the balance sheet for
             or after 1 January 2018). IFRS 15 defines a single revenue   the first time. A majority of Restamax’s financial assets
             recognition model according to which a company must   falling within the sphere of the new credit loss model are
             apply for the recognition of all customer contracts. The   processed in accordance with the simplified procedure
             customer is a party that has entered into a contract with   described  above,  with  the  help  of  a  provision  matrix.
             the  company  to  receive  goods  and  services  produced   With  the  adoption  of  the  new  credit  loss  model,  an
             by  the  company’s  normal  operations  in  exchange  for   adjustment of MEUR 0.6 will be recorded in the opening
             a compensation. The basic principle of the standard is   balance of equity on 1 January 2018.
             that the company must recognise revenue in such a way
             that they entries describe the provision of the promised   ·  IFRS 16 Leases was published in January 2016 (effective
             goods and services to the customer, and the monetary   for  financial  periods  beginning  on  or  after  1  January
             amount  must  reflect  the  compensation  to  which  the   2019). IFRS 16 establishes the requirements for recog-
             company expects to be entitled in exchange for the goods   nition,  measurement,  presentation  and  disclosure  of
             and services in question. The standard contains a signif-  leases. According to the standard, all leases of the lessee
             icant  number  of  requirements  concerning  notes.  IFRS   are  processed  in  the  same  way  such  that  the  lessee
             15 replaces the present standards concerning revenue   records the asset items and liabilities of all leases on the
             recognition  IAS  18  Revenue  and  IAS  11  Construction   balance sheet, unless the rental period is 12 months or
             contracts and their related interpretations. The Group’s   shorter, or unless the value of the leased property is low.
             payment  obligations  consist  of  the  supply  of  hired   The  lessors  further  categorise  the  leases  into  finance
             labour, individual goods and services in restaurants and   leases and other leases. The implementation of the new
             sales revenue from advertising and marketing facilities.   standard  will  affect  how  leases  are  presented  in  the
             Primarily, the Group’s restaurant business is retail trade,   consolidated financial statements.
             and  labour  hire  is  hour-based  service  activity.  In  the
             Group’s franchise business, the contractual party makes   The standard will have a material impact on Restamax
             an  initial  payment  at  the  beginning  of  the  contrac-  Plc’s  consolidated  financial  statements,  and  it  will
             tual  relationship.  According  to  the  Group’s  analysis,   significantly  change  the  Group’s  operative  EBITDA
             under the IFRS 15 standard the initial payment from a   level.  At  the  same  time,  the  new  recording  practice
             franchise contract should be recognised throughout the   will  result  in  the  deterioration  of  the  Group’s  equity
             contractual period, which is five years in all contracts. As   ratio. Restamax Plc will not adopt the standard before
             a result of the introduction of the new credit loss model,   1  January  2019.  Restamax  Plc  will  adjust  the  reference
             the adjustment to be recorded in the opening balance of   figures to meet the requirements of the standard. In the
             accumulated earnings on 1 January is not material.   2017 financial statements, the Group has some MEUR 73
                                                               of lease liabilities
             ·    Clarifications  IFRS  15  Revenue  from  Contracts  with
             Customers* (effective for financial periods beginning on   No  other  already  published  but  not  yet  valid  new
             or after 1 January 2018) was published in April 2016. The   standard,  standard  revision  or  IFRIC  interpretation  is
             clarifications give additional guidance (a) for the recog-  expected to have an impact on the Group’s reporting.
             nition of contractual obligations, (b) for the assessment
             of  the  client-agent  relationship  and  (c)  for  the  appli-
             cation  of  licensing.  The  clarifications  are  not  expected
             to  have  a  significant  impact  on  the  Group.  The  Group

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