Page 82 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
P. 82



             Use of estimates                                  tax assets and liabilities, and when the deferred tax assets
                                                               and liabilities are related to taxes on income collected by the
             Consolidation under the IFRS standards requires the use of   same recipient, either from the same taxpayer or different
             specific estimates and assumptions that affect the figures   taxpayers, when the aim is to realise the asset and liability
             reported. The estimates and assumptions included in the   in their net amounts.
             financial statements are based on the management’s best
             possible opinion on the closing date. These estimates and   Provisions and contingent liabilities
             assumptions affect the assets and liabilities on the balance
             sheet,  the  presentation  of  contingent  assets  and  liabili-  A provision is recorded when the Group has a judicial and
             ties in the notes, and the income and expenses from the   constructive obligation for payment on the basis of a past
             financial period. The estimates are based on earlier experi-  event, the realisation of the obligation is probable and the
             ence, market information and several other assumptions   size of the obligation can be reliably estimated.
             that may be considered reasonable, but the actual figures
             may  differ  from  these  values  due  to  different  assump-  Provisions are measured at the present value required to
             tions  or  conditions.  The  management  must  employ  its   cover the obligation. The discount factor used for calcu-
             judgment when following the accounting principles, and   lating the present value is selected in a manner where it
             it must prepare estimates concerning income tax, goodwill   is representative of the market opinion of the value of
             impairment  tests,  reservations  and  contingent  liabili-  money  over  time  and  the  risks  related  to  the  obligation.
             ties,  for  example.  These  policies  and  estimates  require   If a part of the liability can be received as reimbursement
             the  management  to  make  subjective  and  complicated,   from a third party, the reimbursement will be registered as
             judgment-based estimates, such as those concerning the   a separate asset item when the reimbursement has been
             effects of factors that are uncertain by nature.  practically ensured. The provision amounts are estimated
                                                               on  each  closing  date,  and  their  amounts  are  adjusted  to
             Income taxes                                      correspond  to  the best possible estimate at the moment
                                                               of inspection. Changes in the provisions are entered in the
             The tax costs in the income statement are based on the   income statement under the same item as the one where
             taxable income from the financial period and deferred tax.   the provision was originally recorded.
             Taxes are recorded through profit or loss, except in cases
             where they are directly related to items registered as equity   A provision will be recorded for a contract that generates
             or other items in the total comprehensive income. In these   a  loss  when  the  necessary  expenditures  required  to  fulfil
             cases, their tax effects are also recorded as equity in these   the  obligations  outweigh  the  benefits  received  from  the
             items. Tax based on the taxable income from the financial   contract.
             period is calculated using the taxable income and the appli-
             cable tax rate in each country. The taxes are adjusted by any   A contingent liability is a possible liability arising from past
             taxes related to previous financial periods.      events  whose  existence  will  only  be  confirmed  when  an
                                                               uncertain event outside the Group’s control is realised. A
             Deferred  tax  is  calculated  for  any  temporary  differences   present obligation that is not likely to cause a payment obli-
             between  carrying  amounts  and  tax  bases.  The  largest   gation, or whose size cannot be reliably determined, is also
             temporary  differences  are  generated  by  the  differences   considered to be a contingent liability. Contingent liabilities
             between the carrying amounts and tax bases of property,   are presented in the notes to the financial statements.
             plant and equipment, fair value adjustments of assets and
             liabilities  during  business  combinations,  and  unused  tax   Estimated goodwill impairment
             losses.  Deferred taxes  have been calculated  using the  tax
             rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted on   Impairment  testing  compares  the  book  value  of  a  group
             the date of the closing of the books.             of units including goodwill and generating cash flow to its
                                                               recoverable amount per year, and determines its possible
             Deferred tax assets are recorded up to the probable amount   impairment. The recoverable amount from the group of
             of  future  taxable  income  against  which  the  temporary   units generating cash flow is based on utility value calcula-
             difference can be utilised. The prerequisites for recording   tions. The discount rate takes industry-specific factors into
             deferred  tax  assets  are  estimated  in  this  respect  on  each   account.
             closing date.
                                                               In the testing, the recoverable amount is estimated using
             However, deferred tax liabilities are not recorded when the   budgets, forecasts and terminal periods, and the sensitivity
             asset item or liability in question is one that would be origi-  of the calculations is analysed in terms of changes to the
             nally entered into bookkeeping, there is no combination of   discount  rate,  profitability  and  residual  values.  Changes
             business activities involved, and the entry of such an asset   to these estimates or the structure or number of the units
             item or liability does not affect the result of the bookkeeping   or  unit  groups  may  cause  impairment  of  the  fair  values
             or the taxable income at the time when the business trans-  of commodities or goodwill. The estimates concern the
             action takes place.                               expected selling prices of the products, the expected price
                                                               development of the product costs, and the discount rate.
             Deferred  tax  assets  and  liabilities  are  offset  when  the
             Group has a legally enforceable right to offset the current
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