Page 80 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
P. 80


              EUR thousand                                                             2017             2016
              Operating cash flow
                Profit for the financial period                                      5,491.6          5,864.4
                  Non-cash transactions                                               -190.6           -432.9
                  Depreciations, amortisations and impairment                        11,637.4        10,400.9
                  Financial expenses (net)                                           2,810.3           952.8
                  Taxes                                                               2,533.1         2,029.5
                  Share of profits or losses of associated company                    -68.3             151.2
                Cash flow before change in working capital                          22,213.6         18,965.9
                Käyttöpääoman muutokset:
                  Increase (-)/deduction (+) in accounts receivable and other receivables  -4,356.2   -3,275.1
                  Increase (-)/deduction (+) in inventories                           -378.4           -34.5
                  Increase (+)/deduction (-) in accounts payable and other liabilities  4,488.3       1,506.4
                Changes in working capital:                                          -246.3          -1,803.2
                  Dividends received                                                    3.4              0.0
                  Interest paid and other financial costs                            -1,033.5         -1,021.4
                  Interest received                                                    46.6             67.3
                  Taxes paid                                                         -3,178.8        -2,687.0
              Operating net cash flow                                               17,804.9         13,521.6
              Investment cash flow
                Sales of available-for-sale financial assets                            9.0              0.0
                Investments in tangible and intangible assets (-)                   -11,152.3         -7,193.0
                Deduction (+)/increase (-) of non-current loans receivable            -110.7            94.7
                Acquisition of subsidiaries with time-of-acquisition liquid assets deducted  -7,226.7  -1,364.3
                Sales of subsidiaries with time-of-acquisition liquid assets deducted  92.6              0.0
                Business transactions, acquisitions (-)                             -3,526.9          -1,507.7
                Business transactions, sales (+)                                       126.4            126.8
                Acquisition of the shares of minority shareholders (-)               -1,156.0          -110.0
                Sales of the shares of minority shareholders (+)                        0.0              0.5
                Associated company shares purchased                                 -1,690.8             0.0
              Investment net cash flow                                             -24,635.5         -9,952.9
              Financial cash flow
                Non-current loans drawn (+)                                          19,135.0         21,740.0
                Non-current loans repaid (-)                                        -6,589.5         -19,791.7
                Current loans drawn (+)/repaid (-)                                    1,030.1         -1,207.1
                Dividends paid                                                      -6,046.1         -4,573.9
              Finance net cash flow                                                  7,529.5         -3,832.7
              Change in liquid assets                                                 698.9            -264.1
              Liquid assets 1 Jan                                                     1,871.1          2,135.1
              Liquid assets 31 Dec                                                   2,570.0           1,871.1
              Change                                                                  698.9            -264.1

             The notes on pages 81–128 are a material part of the financial statements.

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