Page 79 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
P. 79
Equity attributable to parent company shareholders
Invested Share of
unre- minority
Share stricted Fair value Own Retained Equity share- Equity,
EUR thousand Note capital equity fund shares earnings loan Total holders total
Equity 1 January 2017 150.0 36,586.1 -13.3 -191.4 6,541.4 220.0 43,292.8 669.0 43,961.8
Comprehensive income of the
review period
Profit for the financial period 5,057.8 5,057.8 433.8 5,491.6
Financial assets available for sale 2.9 2.9 2.9
Total comprehensive income 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,060.7 0.0 5,060.7 433.8 5,494.5
for the financial period
Other changes 8.8 8.8 8.8
Other changes total 0.0 0.0 8.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.8 8.8
Transactions with shareholders
Equity loans 0.0 0.0
Dividend distribution -4,985.9 -4,985.9 -491.6 -5,477.5
New issue 3,924.0 3,924.0 1,088.6 5,012.6
Acquisition of own shares 0.0 0.0
Changes in minority -2,378.7 -2,378.7 296.4 -2,082.3
shareholders’ shares without a
change in controlling interest
Changes in minority sharehold- 0.0 -25.2 -25.2
ers’ shares that led to a change
in controlling interest
Transactions with 0.0 3,924.0 0.0 0.0 -7,364.6 0.0 -3,440.6 868.3 -2,572.3
shareholders, total
Equity 31 December 2017 150.0 40,510.1 -4.5 -191.4 4,237.5 220.0 44,921.7 1,971.2 46,892.9
Equity attributable to parent company shareholders
Invested Share of
unre- minority
Share stricted Fair value Own Retained Equity share- Equity,
EUR thousand Note capital equity fund shares earnings loan Total holders total
Equity 1 January 2016 150.0 33,937.3 -13.3 -972.6 6,293.1 220.0 39,614.5 428.9 40,043.4
Comprehensive income of the
review period
Profit for the financial period 5,608.1 5,608.1 256.3 5,864.4
Total comprehensive income 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,608.1 0.0 5,608.1 256.3 5,864.4
for the financial period
Transactions with shareholders
Dividend distribution -4,356.8 -4,356.8 -229.1 -4,585.9
New issue 2,648.8 2,648.8 2,648.8
Nullification of own shares 781.2 -781.2 0.0 0.0
Changes in minority -221.9 -221.9 212.9 -9.0
shareholders’ shares without a
change in controlling interest
Share acquisitions of minority 0.0 0.0
shareholders that led to a change
in controlling interest
Transactions with 0.0 2,648.8 0.0 781.2 -5,359.9 0.0 -1,929.8 -16.2 -1,946.0
shareholders, total
Equity 31 December 2016 150.0 36,586.1 -13.3 -191.4 6,541.3 220.0 43,292.8 669.0 43,961.8
The notes on pages 81–128 are a material part of the financial statements.