Page 47 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
P. 47
through joy and well-being and develop the entire some of our concepts necessitate imported products.
labour hire sector. Smile’s values – professional pride, Our international partners have also passed quality
entrepreneurship, positivity and putting people first – audits. Our poultry is mainly domestic, and our red
are a pledge to look after young employees in particu- meat comes from Finland or the EU. We are also going
lar and coach them for the job market. to increase and regularise our internal activities, such
as customer service audits, through mystery shoppers
Social activity for example.
The company cooperates with several significant social
organisations. For example, we have been a part- Our units have efficient and monitored waste and
ner of the Elä täysii! (“Live fully!”) club for people wastage sorting and recycling. Waste sorting at each
with disabilities, reduced mobility or chronic diseases business location has been organised to be as envi-
since 2015, hosting various meetings at restaurants ronmentally efficient as possible. Oil, grease, glass,
in different parts of Finland. In 2017, the coopera- cardboard and biowaste are carefully separated, and
tion deepened further, and in future meetings will be the generation of mixed waste is minimised.
organised more frequently and regularly.
Energy-efficiency and self-control As a large operator, our labour hire segment plays a
In all of our business operations, we consider envi- significant role in society. Smile Henkilöstöpalvelut
ronmental aspects and take ecological responsibility. employs up to 9,000 people on a monthly basis in
We pay special attention to the energy consumption of various fields. Our subsidiary acts responsibly, offer-
our restaurants in all matters ranging from equipment ing diverse jobs for flexible life situations and always
procurement and the design of facilities, lighting, handling the payment of wages and other employer
heating and air-conditioning. In our new restaurants, obligations on time.
in particular, preference is given to energy-efficient
LED lighting system and kitchen appliances and Smile Henkilöstöpalvelut has campaigned for positive
systems. We have also investigated possibilities of discourse: there are many good job opportunities and
remote monitoring of cold storage facilities and elec- jobs available. The company has also actively high-
trification of other self-control activities, and piloted lighted the responsibility of labour hire service provid-
an application for monitoring wastage. ers to adjust to the constantly changing and evolving
working life.
Quality control, procurement partners, recycling
and wastage In all its operations, Smile also considers environmen-
Food quality, its origin and traceability are the corner- tal and social responsibility. In 2017 for example, the
stones of our restaurant operations and also important company supported the exercise activities of children
values to our customers. We cooperate with carefully and young people at SOS Children’s Villages for the
selected and reliable partners and suppliers who have second time and participated in the Charity Run event.
committed to responsible operations. Over 90 per cent
of our food ingredient procurement is done through
established partners, and with beverage wholesalers
the figure is up to 95 per cent. We also prefer local
businesses in procurement, such as local bakeries and
microbreweries. This enables appropriate product pric-
ing and careful quality control.
In our procurement, we emphasise domestic ingre-
dients and take advantage of each season, although
Annual Report 2017