Page 142 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
P. 142
Liabilities and guarantees by balance sheet item and guarantee type
Liabilities with guarantees included on the balance sheet 31/12/2017 31/12/2016
Loans from financial institutions, non-current 29,496,450.00 23,981,568.00
Loans from financial institutions, current 10,419,872.51 7,461,309.84
Total 39,916,322.51 31,442,877.84
Provided guarantees 31/12/2017 31/12/2016
Corporate mortgages given 34,150,000.00 34,150,000.00
Real estate mortgage 4,096,768.00 4,096,768.00
Bank guarantees 0.00 688,135.63
Mortgaged securities, shares in subsidiaries at book values 37,613,128.41 31,596,562.11
Other guarantees 7,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Other guarantees given in total 82,859,896.41 71,531,465.74
Restamax Plc has committed to financing, when necessary, an associated company with a subordinated loan of a
maximum of TEUR 2,000. After the end of the financial period, TEUR 500 of the loan is drawn.
Leasing rental agreement liabilities not included 31/12/2017 31/12/2016
on the balance sheet
To be paid during the next financial period 1,974.35 5,549.88
To be paid later 503.33 2,480.00
Total 2,477.68 8,029.88
Total amount of open leasing rental agreements, 2,477.68 8,029.88
due during next financial period 1,974.35 5,549.88
due later 503.33 2,480.00
The agreements can be terminated by paying the residual value 2,477.68 8,029.88
for the remaining instalments
Other liabilities
Other guarantee engagements not included or entered on the balance sheet
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
Rental guarantee, VAT 0% 44,946,869.62 32,914,503.36
44,946,869.62 32,914,503.36
31/12/2017 31/12/2016
Smile Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy, purchase guarantee approx. 0.00 MEUR,2.1
Guarantee liability from purchases 600,000.00 200,000.00
Restamax Plc has provided an absolute guarantee for all of the companies in the Restamax Group as relates to
accounts payable to the wholesalers, up to an amount of TEUR 600.