Page 70 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
P. 70

Key figures per share

                                                                        2017           2016            2015
              Earnings per share, undiluted              EUR            0.30           0.35             0.31
              Earnings per share, diluted                EUR            0.30           0.35             0.31
              Equity per share                           EUR             2.7           2.65             2.48
              Dividend per share                         EUR          0.33,(*)         0.30             0.27
              Dividend/earnings per share                 %            108.4           85.7             87.1
              Effective dividend yield                    %              3.9            5.0              5.4
              Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E)                            28.57            17.2            16.2

              Share price 31 December                    EUR            8.57            6.01            5.01
              Average share price                        EUR            7.55            5.10            4.00
              Highest share price during financial period  EUR          9.16           6.32             5.09
              Lowest share price during financial period  EUR           5.71           4.28             3.48

              Market value for shares                   MEUR           142.43         99.88            82.06
              Exchange of shares during financial period  pcs       2,624,943       7,501,446       4,134,568
              Proportionate exchange of shares            %            15.79           45.14           25.24

              Adjusted average number of shares during financial period  pcs  16,619,620  16,235,842  16,203,745
              Adjusted average number of shares on 31 December  pcs  16,619,620    16,619,620      16,379,620

              (*) Board of Directors’ proposal.

              Segment-specific key figures

              Operating profit %                                       2017            2016            2015
                Operating profit, % restaurant            %              5.7            6.9             6.5
                Operating profit, % labour hire           %              5.1            4.7             3.2

              EBITDA  %                                                2017            2016            2015
                EBITDA %, restaurant                      %             13.4            15.3            14.8
                EBITDA %, labour hire                     %              8.7            10.1            8.9
              Material margin  %                                       2017            2016            2015
                Material margin %, restaurant             %             74.1           74.6             74.3

              Staff expense  %                                         2017            2016            2015
                Staff expense  %, restaurant              %             28.0           28.1             28.5
                Staff expense  %, labour hire             %             83.7           85.5             85.2

             The calculation formulae for the key figures are presented in note 39.

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