Page 4 - Restamax Plc Annual Report 2017
P. 4


                        RESTAMAX PLC

                         RESTAMAX PLC IS A FINNISH            The Group companies include more than 130 restau-
                       GROUP ESTABLISHED IN 1996,             rants, nightclubs and entertainment centres all over
                                                              Finland. Well-known restaurant concepts of the Group
                       SPECIALISING IN RESTAURANT             include Stefan’s Steakhouse, Viihdemaailma Ilona,
                   SERVICES AND LABOUR HIRE. THE              Classic American Diner and Colorado Bar & Grill.
                     COMPANY, WHICH WAS LISTED                In 2017, Restamax Plc’s turnover was MEUR 185.9 and
                      ON NASDAQ HELSINKI IN 2013              EBITDA MEUR 22.4. Depending on the season, the
                    AND BECAME THE FIRST FINNISH              Group employs approximately 2,250 people converted
                                                              into full-time workers. Restamax’s subsidiary Smile
                     LISTED RESTAURANT COMPANY,               Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy employs approximately 9,000
                         HAS CONTINUED TO GROW                people per month.
                            STRONGLY THROUGHOUT               Restamax company website:
                                          ITS HISTORY.        Restamax consumer website:
                                                              Smile Henkilöstöpalvelut:

         Restamax Plc
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